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Modern Classroom

Drop the overwhelm and reclaim your passion for education. 

I can't wait to welcome you into this amazing monthly membership community with Beyond the Classroom.  This will be your one stop shop to gain insight, knowledge, tips, and strategies for YOUR personal (and professional) wellness. This inclusive space is geared specifically to those working under the educator umbrella and is set to take attendance starting October. 1st!  I will be connecting with you virtually to teach the strategies and tools that I have used time and time again to help educators just like you bust through burnout and welcome back the work / life balance they desire! 


I was you.

I have been exactly where you are now. 

I worked inside the education setting for many years. First as an EA, although I am positive it was a different title WAY back then,  and then I continued on  and became a teacher,  woah that did not last long! All kidding aside I knew from the beginning that I wanted to be a school counsellor and that's what I set my sights on next and enjoyed it for years before... I  experienced my first dance with burnout!


That's right, the FIRST dance with burnout!!  You see, once you have the symptoms of burnout, unless you pay attention and take care of your own self care needs, they will just keep hanging around and waiting to explode like a really bad rash. I love a little tongue in cheek humour but truly this stuff is very REAL and burnout and it's symptoms are so often OVERLOOKED! So this my friends is something that has been on my mission plate for many years. Stepping up to show educators how to look after themselves FIRST! Create a community of safety and respect to share challenges that you may be experiencing! And finally to let my fine colleagues all over the world know that...

I GET YOU and together we CAN beat Burnout!

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Is Beyond the Classroom right for me?

Do you work under the Education umbrella?

Have you experienced symptoms of burnout or compassion fatigue in the past?

If you answered YES to two or more of these, BEYOND THE CLASSROOM is the community for you!

Would you benefit from having tools & a support system to stay consistent with self care?

Do you struggle to balance your work / life responsibilities?

Are you interested in connecting with like minded Educators who GET the struggle?

Are you ready to bring back your joy and passion to education?

Beyond the Classroom monthly membership starts October 1st, 2022

Get on the WAITLIST for early bird savings!

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Educator Empowerment

Real superheroes don't wear capes, they TEACH!

My mission is to empower superheroes just like you! To create a safe, supportive, judgment free space for you to share and grow while connecting with other educators who understand your struggles & your passion. 


As an Educator turned Counsellor who has taught countless workshops within the school district I am uniquely qualified to bring you this amazing Beyond the Classroom community! I can't wait to connect with you and make this your best year yet.

  • Enjoy monthly 60 -90 min virtual trainings on personal & professional wellness

  • Connect with other Educators in our private FB group

  • Get on the spot coaching with our monthly live Q&A session 

Does this sound like the community for you? Join the waitlist below and be the first to know when membership opens!

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